Friday, September 25, 2009


... have learned to remove their diapers. What fun. Of course they had to be nasty ones! I thought I could fix this problem by keeping shorts/pants on them all the time. Then in two days, they managed to figure out how to take those off too! UGH. So now I'm keeping them in onsies, at least while they're in bed. I'm hoping they don't figure those out too quickly, but i give it about a week... *sigh*


Today has been a pretty good day! I had an interview this morning for a part-time job. I think (and hope) it went well. I got to play with my beautiful boys, who were both pretty happy today. Last but not least, I sold my car! I'm a little teensy bit sad about selling my car, because I miss the little thing, but I'm thrilled about making a little bit of money and not having to make payments anymore!!

I'm also looking forward to next week - another interview and a meeting to get things set up to start school again, hopefully winter quarter!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My kids are pretty cool. I have twin one year old boys and they're funny and crazy and all over the place. I'm obviously completely biased, but I think they're some of the cutest kids I've ever seen. They're in the process of learning to walk and they get into everything. My life is totally crazy on a day to day basis, and my laundry and cleaning is never ending. I never really saw my life being like this - stay at home mom of twins - but I love my boys, and I'm looking into different career options, so the stay at home part will not last forever. 

Nothing too crazy has happened today, but yesterday Braeden the older (by one minute) twin learned to take off his diaper. And, in accordance with my amazing luck, it was a dirty diaper. Ahh, my life is so glamorous.